Data Fundamentals

  • Languages:English, French

  • Eligibility:Eligible to registered institutions

  • Duration:7 hours

This credential earner demonstrates knowledge of data analytics concepts, methodologies and applications of data science, and the tools and programming languages used in the data ecosystem. The individual has a conceptual understanding of how to clean, refine, and visualize data using IBM Watson Studio. The earner is aware of the job outlook in data and is familiar with the skills required for success in various roles in the domain.

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Data Fundamentals


IBM leverages the services of Credly, a 3rd party data processor authorized by IBM and located in the United States, to assist in the administration of the IBM Digital Badge program. In order to issue you an IBM Digital Badge, your personal information (name, email address, and badge earned) will be shared with Credly. You will receive an email notification from Credly with instructions for claiming the badge. Your personal information is used to issue your badge and for program reporting and operational purposes. IBM may share the personal information collected with IBM subsidiaries and third parties globally. It will be handled in a manner consistent with IBM privacy practices. The IBM Privacy Statement can be viewed here:

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